Terms and Conditions

Intellectual property

  1. All images on this site remain the property of the artist [A. H Johnstone].
      • Use of images is at the discretion of, and must be credited back to, the artist.
      • The artist does not allow commercial use of work without prior agreement.
  2. When buying original pieces, the purchaser has the right to keep, give away, or sell the piece. The purchaser does not have the right to reproduce any work in any format, or display the work for commercial gain [without prior agreement].
      • If it is discovered that any work has been reproduced in any form, legal action will be taken.
  3. The artist retains the right to produce variations of original pieces.


  1. All commissioned works are subject to a 50% non-refundable deposit which is payable upfront.
  2. The artist retains the right to showcase the work on the site.
      • The details of the purchaser will not be disclosed to third parties.
  3. Commissions for commercial use may only be used as stated in a contract and attract an additional 20% commercial service charge.


  1. All returns are at the artist’s discretion.
  2. Commisions are returned at  the cost of the purchaser,
  3. The purchaser is responsible for the cost and safe transit of all returns.
      • Damage occuring due to unsufficient protection when returning items will result in the forfeit of the refund.